Thursday, November 30, 2006

Wood and Nails

Day 2 ... the rear of the house.

Wood and Nails

Something to Stand On!

Day 1 ... of framing ... the subfloor is going down.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Cement And Morter!

We have a Foundation...

This view from the street showes
the woods behind the house.

These are views from the left side.
Aren't the sun rays cool. God does make things beautiful.

Friday, November 17, 2006

The Excavation

The Excavation Is Done....Yah!
The Footers are Dug...

...And the Cellar, Also.
Next, will be the pouring of concrete for the footers and the cellar and laying block.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Excavation and Time of Dedication

Our Friends and us at the Dedication Time

October 21, 2006

Nancy, Gary, Mom, Me, Mikie, Debbie, Dylan, Naomi, Yellar and pups.


What do You think?

Should we have indoor plumbing?

Some of our First Guests.
Naomi and Princess

Dylan and Princess

Gary and Happy