Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Week Six Complete

The Front Porch Roof Complete...
Can you taste the lemonade?

Friday, January 19, 2007

Sheathing On The Porch Roof

Middle of Week Six... The Roof Has Rafters and Sheathing.

Most of the rafters are in.

On the front and left sides of the house, all the sheathing has been set.

On the left porch side, they even have felt up.

Porch Joists and Rafters

Week Six... The Porch Roof.

Sorry it has been a little while. We have progress but I have been slow to update.
On week six they had finished the front porch floor and started on the roof. This week they are finishing up the roof.

They have set all the joists for the porch roof and are starting on the rafters. View from the front right side.
This is a view from the front left side of the house.
Next is a view from the rear left side of the house. There will be steps beside the kitchen coming off the rear of the porch to the ground.
This is a right rear view of the porch. There will also be steps coming off this side of the porch. They will be positioned on the side of the porch.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Week Five of Framing

Five Weeks of Framing Are Completed
...this was a short week.

They have the porch floor completely finished.

This is a view from the kitchen doorway, on the left side of the house.

Next, this is a view of the porch floor from the upstairs hallway window.

The porch floor in the front of the house.

They have begun the roof of the porch.

Right now you can just the porch beams. The rafter and joists will tie into the beam. That will be next week.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Front Porch Floor

Front Porch Flooring.

Week Five of Framing was short, but they have started on the front porch.

They have laid joists for the porch floor and begun laying the porch floor.

In the rear of the house, Gary is digging out footers for the rear porch, steps to the cellar, and the chimney.


While In Indiana We Reunioned With Friends.

We could not leave out the Friends that we enjoyed seeing while away.

This is Rachel, Gary and Ruby's friend Lucille. She always gives Rachel a beautiful and comfy place to stay when she goes.

These are Gary and Ruby's Friends in Indiana:

Clockwise: Gary, Jamie, Jacob, and Mike.

Clockwise: Terry,Angie, Jacob, and Janelle


Part of Week Five We Spent In Indiana.
While the house was celebrating it's own Christmas by taking a break from the work, we were spending some time in Indiana with some family. Here are some pictures.

On the left, this is Estlene, Gary Jr. and Gary. Gary Jr. is 18 now, as of Jan 2. On the right, clockwise, is Gary, Gary Jr., Josh (Ashley's new boyfriend), Ashley and Ruby.

On the left, is Gary's Aunt Shelia, Estlene, his mom, and Aunt Vivian. On the right, Gary is reading Luke's account of the birth of Christ with Jacob, Gary's nephew.

This is Granny and Grandpa Murt with their youngest great grandson.