Friday, October 19, 2007

Exterior Painiting...Part Three

Trim Painting...

Gary painting trim.

"OK, no more kidding, I am really tired of painting. Please tell me we are almost done."

Estlene painting trim.

The balancing act. "I am way too short for this."

Exterior Painting...Part Two

Time To Spray...

Gary used the cherry picker to spray the exterior of the house.

"Like my gun? Watch out, I am dangerous with one of these.""OK I am tired of painting now."
Yah, we are finished spraying.

Gary gives out free rides, and Estlene gets her thrills in for the summer.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Exterior Painting

Now we can begin the exterior painting...

Gary spent two weeks trimming out the exterior of the house. The steps entailed caulking, trimming and then spraying the siding. The color of the house is sage.

This is Gary trimming out the left side of the house.

Gary is smiling but he is really think I am tired of this painting.

The front porch...

The laundry room and kitchen...

Once the house was totally trimmed out, we got to rent one of these cool machines to finish the spraying of the house...


Interior Painting

After Three LONG Weeks of Painting Walls...
We have a kitchen...
A living room...
The in-law suite...
Gary and Ruby's room ...
As well as the rest of the rooms in the house are painted. Yeah! Hooray! and Yahoo!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Painting you like color?

We came home from vacation to begin painting and painting and more painting. We spent most of our summer painting something. We started with the inside of the house.

This was a familar spot. We had so much painting and rinsing we had to set up a spot in the yard just for washing. Everyday, we were washing, rinsing and spinning.

This is Ruby painting the dinning room. You don't want to mess up with red.

Gary trimming walls before he sprays them.

Estlene is touching up walls after spraying. I don't know why we worry so much. They were only going to get messed up when the floor and cabinets came.

Ruby still trying to paint the dinning room.

I Am So Sorry.

It has been a long time since we have updated our blog... and a lot has happen.
I am so sorry that I have not worked on the blog. To be honest I had no idea anyone was looking at it and I did not make it a priority. At any rate, we are back and I am beginning with summer.

We took a much needed vacation before we began what would be a grueling summer. Here are some or our pictures from Florida. We had a great time just relaxing but we did make it to Epcot for one day.

This is all of us at the front of the park. By the way, Estlene, Gary's mom, spent the summer with us and was able to join us on vacation.

This is Gary and Estlene. What a beautiful background.

These are some really cool drummers. They make music out of trashcans. Cool.

Watch out Mario Andretti, Mom is on the move.

Gary and Ruby, we are smiling right now because we have not a clue of the enormity of the job awaiting us when we get home.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Completing the Siding

The Siding is Complete...

Finishing the front of the house.

The rear of the house and back porch.

The left rear side of the house.

The right rear side of the house.

The left front side of the house.

More Siding

More Siding and More Caulking...

This is Gary still caulking.

The right side of the house, this is the bay window in my mom's room.

Down the front porch on the right.

A front view of the house.

The left side of the house, this is the front porch and the bay window in the dinning room.

Friday, June 29, 2007

The Beginning of Siding

Our House Gets Some Clothes...

We are using Hardiplank, very durable stuff. We had to use siding like real wood clap board to stay historically correct. The only exception to clap board was smooth hardiboard. It is cool looking.

They started on the back porch.
The porch ceilings are bead board.

No, this is NOT the color of the house. The color is primer on the siding.

Gary is caulking as they go.

Doesn't he look happy.

He only has about 4000 more cracks and crevices to go.


Thursday, June 28, 2007


Walls That Are Ready To Paint...

Just as you come in the front door...this is the hallway downstairs.

The Kitchen

The Living Room

This is the hallway upstairs

Gary and Ruby's Bedroom

Looks different when the drywall is up.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Insulation - Hot, Hot, Hot

Yellow, Yellow, and more Yellow.
Insulation in the floor joist between the first and second floor should keep down the noise from those wild people upstairs.
This is the living room. We put insulation down the entire right side. This will sound proof mom's area from the rest of the house.
This is the upstairs hall area. We insulated the hall bathroom. Lets' keep that shower singing to ourselves, shall we.
This is Gary and Ruby's room upstairs. As you can tell we are Ready to drywall!!! Yeah!!!