Thursday, March 08, 2007

Exterior Painting Part One

Painting and Trimming Windows...

We have spent several weekends and weeknights painting, scraping and trimming windows.

Gary is taking windows out to be painted in an upstair bedroom.

Ruby is painting windows in what will be the kitchen. What a stupid grin.

This is Gary's "break room". One day it will be the dining room.

Gary painted the outside of the widows around the house. This is the downstair bay on the front porch.

These are windows in an upstair bedroom. Gary has painted most of the window frames. The front and side windows to the porch are completely painted. The windows on the rear of the house still need to be done.

Rough Plumbing


The rough plumbing is mostly completed in the bathrooms. We must wait for the flooring and tile before we can see the finished product. That is a little time away, but soon when rough plumbing, electrical and gas is done we will be able to insulate and sheet rock the walls.

This is plumbing for the sinks in the guest bathroom.

Gary built the frames for our tubs. The plumber set and plumbed them. This is Rachel's tub. It is a whirlpool tub.

This is our sorker tub. Gary decided to do a rounded tub frame. It was a challenge for him but he did well, I think.

Sink plumbing on each side of the tub.

These are shower and toilet drains which are not complete in this picture but have been completed. I will be getting more up to date picture this weekend. In addition to these pictures the hall bath downstairs is complete.

Some of Our First Visitors...

As some of you know, this year I began working at another school. Now my work is closer to home. I have a great teacher that I work with, and today she decided to stop by and visit our new home.

Mrs. Allen and her daughter and me.

Our youngest helper. "Look dad, I'm ready for HGTV".

God Has Been Good

Just Going To Take A Break To Celebrate... Gary Turns 41.

For a special treat we took him to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in Atlanta. It is near the Centennial Park.

Gary and his birthday dessert. It was not big enough for the 41 candles so they just put 1 on it.

The food was wonderful.

This was our great server. So impressed by the service, Gary wanted a picture with her. We would recomend it to our friends.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Chimney and Veneer Finished

Day Three...

Veneer is finished.

Today they finished veneering the left side of the house from the porch forward.

The front side of the house was completed, as well.

The Chimney was finished today also.

Below masons are finishing the top of the chimney. That is kind of high.

I just thought this was a cool close up picture. Gary it took from the ground.

The chimney finished.

Veneering Day Two

Day Two... Part Two...

Veneering the House and Laying Block for the Cellar Retaining Wall.

The crawl space is built with concrete block. To cover the block and also to be in line with historical guidelines, we could brick the block or paint it. Since bricking is one time and painting is not we voted for bricking.

They completed the right side of the house up to the front of the porch.
In the rear they had to build the retaining wall first and then brick.
They complete block and brick up the the beginning of the porch on the right side.
Above, the rear block and veneer are finished. Veneer on the one half of the left side and down the front are still to be finished. In the rear, all that is left is the chimney.

Chimney Part Two

Day Two of Bricking...

The Fireplace and Chimney inside.

Above you can see the building of the arches. There are five forms on each side to hold of the brick till it dries. Then the forms will be removed.
Time for a break. You can see the facing of the fireplace is finished and they are half way up the chimney.
The fireplace finished on the inside. Next will be to finish the chimney on the outside of the house.